In this article, you will learn a little more about what Svelte.JS is and why I think you should learn a little more about it. In this article, I will share 5 great videos that will help you to learn more about Svelte. Svelte was first created in 2016 by Rich Harris as a personal project, however, in recent years it has gained in popularity by the JavaScript community. Svelte is now being used by companies like Apple and Google. In the State Of The Nation report, Svelte ranked first in terms of developer interest and satisfaction. I have spent the last few months learning Svelte and I really like what I have seen. The aim of this article is not for you to become a Svelte hero overnight. The aim is to give you some resources that you can use to learn about Svelte yourself at your own pace. Sound good? Let's start!
Svelte Society Day 2020: Rich Harris: Frequently Asked Questions
This is a good starter video to learn more about Svelte. Rich the creator of Svelte answers questions asked by the community. In this video Rich answers questions like what is Svelte, why did he create it and can it be used to build large websites. The questions asked and answered in this video should give you a better understanding of what all the fuss is about!
The Return of 'Write Less, Do More' by Rich Harris
The original mission statement of jQuery was 'Write Less, Do More'. This statement is dead according to Rich Harris. In this talk that was originally made at JScamp in 2019, Rich takes a deeper dive into why Svelte exists. Rich discusses some of the issues with current frameworks and why Sveltes different architecture allows it to solve problems in a different way.
Svelte Crash Course
What would a list of recommended videos on Svelte be without any tutorials on how to get started? This 30-minute video will give you enough knowledge to start writing some basic components within Svelte. This tutorial is super simple to follow and it will guide you through how to install Svelte locally and how you can get going with it!
Svelte vs React vs Angular vs Vue
I saw this video as part of a Udemy course I completed on Svelte, it is also available for FREE on Youtube! As Svelte is newer and less used compared to the lives of ReactJs, VueJs and Angular, should you use it? This 10-minute video gives you some food for thought when it comes to thinking about when to use Svelte for a new project 🤔
Sapper Svelte Starters Guide In 2020
If you like building ReactJS applications using a framework like NextJs and you fancy doing the same thing in Svelte, consider Sapper. Sapper has some of the same features, like SSR (server-side rendering) and pre-build routing. Sapper may be an opinionated way of how to build a Svelte app, however, it is also the quickest and easiest way for you to get started with Svelte for the first time. It is worth noting Sapper will be replaced with SvelteKit soon. I think if you want to learn about Svelte, you need to know that you have these options. The point of including this video here is to ensure you know you can do things in Svelte in the same way as other frameworks. You should look into these options before you start building a large project using Svelte. Using a framework that sits on top of Svelte will save you from starting from scratch and figuring out how everything works yourself!