In today's tutorial, you will learn how to enable each developer within your team to have their own custom connection string config file stored in source control, without affecting anyone else.

On most Episerver builds, you will be working within a team of developers. There are a number of different ways on how to structure your Episerver deployment process. In some scenarios, having a shared database works really well, in some instances, you may want each individual developer to have their own database. If you go down the route of each developer having their own local database, then you'll encounter the issue of config files and source control.

When you have to deal with multiple developers in a project, I suggest you split your web.config up and move your connection string settings to a separate config file. You can do this like so:

In your App_Config file (or wherever you want to put it), you can create a file called 'ConnectionStrings.config' that will look something like this:

As we work locally using the standard build transforms in a deployment package won't work, however, we can add build tasks directly into the 'AfterBuild' section within your websites .csproj file.

Post Build Scripts

Now, we obviously don't want to check in our 'connectionstring.config' with developer one's settings as this will break everyone else's configuration. Instead, we can create a new separate file unique to that developer, say called 'ConnectionStrings.Jon.Jones.config' and use transforms to copy/insert the details we want into 'ConnectionStrings.config'.

Using this approach we could either make sure a developer never checks the file 'ConnectionStrings.config' or with a bit more msBuild configuration, we could exclude 'connectionstrings.config' from source control entirely! In my example, the 'Jon.Jones' part is my windows account log-in. By creating a new file for dev in your team, you can add as many developers settings as you want without treading on each others feet!

We can access the Windows Username within in MSBuild by using the $(USERNAME) property. If you don't want to differentiate by username, another option is to use PC name instead $(COMPUTERNAME), I personally think the Windows username is good enough in most circumstances, so I'm sticking with it :)

Let's cover the MsBuild script. You need to add the below configuration into your websites .csproj file right at the bottom. Usually, if you open it in notepad and scroll down you can see a commented out section like this:

Add the below XML underneath the above commented out section:

Ok. so there's quite a lot going on above. Let's talk through it line-by-line. In the first line, MsBuid creates a temporary version of 'ConnectionStrings.config' called 'Temp.ConnectionStrings.config' in the obj folder in the webroot.

On the next line, MsBuild searches for a configuration file for the logged on username, if it exists, it copies the developer's individual connection string setting into the newly created 'Temp.ConnectionStrings.config'. IN the last line if the 'Temp.ConnectionStrings.config' and the original 'ConnectionStrings.config' are different, it overrides 'ConnectionStrings.config' with 'Temp.ConnectionStrings.config'


In today's tutorial, I've detailed the problem of how you store the individual developer's configuration in source control. By adding some MSBuild task directly into your .csproj's post-build tasks, you can customize your visual studio's post-build process a lot. In my example, I use a basic transform using the windows log-in. I copy the web.config into a new file. Check that a matching config file exists for the currently logged-in user.

If it does, we copy the developers setting and set the file 'connectionstring.config' file accordingly. If you do not want to use the logged in Windows User Account as the differentiator, you can always use the current PC name. Enjoy!